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Tuesday 6 September 2016

New story available-The risk of love

Episode 1

....... Iphey got back from work that day sweating heavily and knew she was going
to be very late for her date.

It had been a hot and humid day and she had been caught in the rush hour traffic returning home from the office. She now rushed about her apartment like a headless chicken putting her stuff together for the date when her phone rang. “Hello?” She panted struggling into a deep purple skirt. “Hello, my daughter is that you?” It was her mum's voice. “Yes mum, it's me.” she replied with a bitten off, “who else could be
answering my phone?” under her breath. “I just heard from your sister.
Her son is in crisis again and they are at the
hospital.” Her heart sank and the wind was knocked out of her sails. She had thought
this was one of those her mum's infrequent marriage badgering calls.

The sister her mum mentioned was her elder sister who had a 6 years old asthmatic son. He had often got this sort of crises during this period but it had seemed to subside in the past year. However, this was the second within the same month this year. “Mum, I have to go out this evening and I‟m already running late. I'll call her
when I get back and give you feedback later OK?” “That's fine, talk to you later dear. Take care of yourself and be careful.” Yes mum,” she replied as she pressed the end button. She wanted to continue getting ready but the “be careful” from her mum got
her thinking of the stormy events at the office today............................................

Did you enjoy this episode and would love to find out what happened to Iphey??? Then contact admin at or via 08160081335. The story goes for N500 only.

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