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Wednesday 14 September 2016

Man puts wife for sale on eBay

A man put his wife up for sale on eBay after
claiming she was unsympathetic when he
moaned about feeling unwell.

Simon O'Kane from Wakefield, Yorkshire, posted a
picture of wife detailing his reasons for selling
her and the pros and cons of the 'purchase' he
made the listing at around 10pm on Wednesday
evening after he claimed Leandra wasn't playing
the role of a devoted wife.

The 33-year-old was stunned when bids hit
£65,880 within two days .. He said: "I came in
after work feeling a bit tired and unwell - my was
wife dong the usual concerned bit but said I was
burning the candle at both ends and was
basically just whining at me.

When his wife Leandra found out about the prank
she hit the roof. Leandra, 27, said: "I was
absolutely fuming - I wanted to kill him.
"Everyone at work saw it and were laughing their
heads off. Not only did he put me up for sale but
he used such a bad photo.

"He always moans he's poorly, he's a
hypochondriac, then he swans off to the gym for
three, four hours at a time. I told him if that if he
can go to the gym then he doesn't deserve my
sympathy. If eBay hadn't taken the listing down,
who knows how much I would have got?"
After the first few bids trickled in Mrs O’Kane
proved a hit with bids soaring to more than

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